诚信为本,品质为先。智利美酒,天堂里的佳酿。心路酒业旗下拥有众多智利知名酒庄产品,分别来自智利的五大优质葡萄酒产区。其中最有代表性的就是来自卡萨布兰卡山谷的精品酒庄卡萨伯斯克,和代表智利酿酒历史与传统的世代家族传承的佩德雷格酒庄。卡萨伯斯克酒庄出产的卡萨伯斯克和米拉多美酒作为智利优质葡萄酒的典型代表,多次在国际大赛中夺冠摘金,多款美酒均被Robert Parker给出90+的高分,是葡萄酒中的“Value Brand”。佩德雷格酒庄出产的G7美酒则当之无愧新生代智利葡萄酒的先锋,七代酿酒的人生传奇,以清新明快的风格带给消费者亲民的至上体验,尤其深受中日韩消费者的喜爱。
Shanghai Mindedway Wine Co., Ltd is a domestic professional leading brand operator of Chilean fine wines,and meanwhile the brand ambassador of Casas del Bosque and G7. Since then,Mindedway has played a significant part between chile and china, communicating Chilean wine cultures to domestic consumers.
Chilean wines are gifts of nature.Mindedway believes in conducting honesty and insisting best quality,and always introducing fine products. Mindedway possesses a great deal of well-known chilean wines, covering five fine Wine regions in chile. The most worth mentioning are Casas del Bosque (boutique winery located in Casablanca Valley) and Carta Vieja (historied winery which is one of the most representative in Chilean wine making history).Casas del Bosque and Miliario,which produced by Casas del Bosque are typical chilean wines.Both of them won a lot prizes or reputations in several international competitions and events,including the Top100 wines of the world,the value brand of the year,won 90+points by Robert Parker,be chosen as the official wine in Chilean pavilion during 2010 shanghai Expo.G7, which produced by Carta Vieja is the pioneer brand of our time. Known as the 7th Generation fine wine,G7 brings people refreshing style, wins good public praise and ranks top3 in East Asian market these years.
Mindedway always adheres to the principle of selecting original fine wines and carrying out mutual benefit in trade.Each wine is produced and bottled by Chilean wineries.Mindedway guarantees best quality throughing strict process of selecting wines, meets different needs of nationwide customers in the shortest period of time and promotes chilean fine wines and wine cultures.
Mindedway is your best partner,sharing joys and promoting value of livies.